Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Learning French III : Oui, Non, C'est la Vie

Two very important words in any language are "YES" and "NO".One will always require these two words to make small conversations. Even if you do can not speak a language, just understand it little bit, you can make workable conversation by just using these two words. French translations for these two words are:
YES = Oui
NO = Non
As I mentioned in earlier post, if a word ends with a consonant  then that consonant is not pronounced in French. So, Non is pronounced pretty much like "NO" in English. I would advice to use Google translator to understand the pronunciation for "YES" i.e. Oui. To end the post I would introduce to a sentence that is very well known around the world.
C'est la Vie = That's life
Here, C'est = that is
and Vie = life
la used before vie is an article like English has "a" or "The"


Anonymous said...

KaJo .. looks like you will make a good French Tutor for me .... Oui ? :) good !! i need to frequent u all the more for learning French !!

drkaustubhjoshi said...

Well, that's the plan. Keep visiting this thread. A lot more to come.

www.mohanmekap.com said...

thanks , it is lovely to learn french

drkaustubhjoshi said...

Thanks Elee. Glad you appreciate it.

Unknown said...

nice post for beginners :)


drkaustubhjoshi said...

Thanks Mukesh. You pointed out right. That's the target readers I have in mind.

Meghana Hassan said...

mysay, am joining you for Kajo's French classes....

drkaustubhjoshi said...

@Meghana. Thanks for such kind and moral boosting words. I appreciate that. Hope I don't disappoint you in up coming lessons.

RAN IN JAN said...

grazie, ciao